Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Chef's Dary~

Menjadi seorang chef hampir sama seperti menjadi askar. 

Pergerakan mesti pantas 

 dan kemas serta berhadapan dgn pelbagai halangan sprti 


,kerenah dan kehendak pelanggan,

mengimbangi rasa dlm masakan, 

kreativiti tuk "garnish" mknn,

menjaga sanitasi persekitaran

 dn sebagainya..

Disebalik semua itu, kami juga seperti orng lain. Kami juga berhibur dan bergembira setelah menempuh hari2 yg sibuk. Some 

of us might be serious n lousy in the kitchen,but outside we are even cooler person thn those people who works at the accounts department (no offense here!). We might be shouting n cursing at each other in the kitchen,but outside we are closer than ever. Sure the chefs were seen as people who curses alot (even when we are joking with one another) or always membuli dgn menyorokkan beg atau membekukan jam,but by the time it's over,those are the memories we are going to miss the most. The laughter, tears,sweat, blood,cuts from the knives, all tht will becomes the sweetest and memorable episodes of our life. Sure a few fights,ache n dealing with people that were pain in the ass,but its good coz we will know how to deal it better with certain situation in the future. With the chefs that willing to share ideas, recipes n tips with us,each one of it are added to our book so it'll be used by us anytime we need it.

Saya tau sy bukan bakal chef yg terbaik untuk menghakimi krn sy sendiri blum ad pengalaman yg byk dlm industri ini, but this is about what i saw n experience first hand and i know i pick the right industri to be. I just have to work harder,brush up my skills n be a faster worker n think creative n outside the box. If this is my destiny, I am up for it. I will give all i got in this industry n make my family n myself proud. I know my skills were lacking in the kitchen by a lot but i will try to fix it and improve it in the future..

Wow, mcm x percaya je Hana dh tulis karangan pendek, Apapun, ini hanya pendapat hana dan x bias pada sapa2. just luahan seorng trainee praktikal. Chefs lebih tau ap yg btol krn anda lebih berpengalaman.. Pada kwn2ku yg bakal menjadi chef-chef suatu hari nanti InsyaAllah, Thanks n Goodluck. Kita xkn mengalah.. Aja-aja Hwaiting! Salam Kimchi dr sy Hannah Farhana..hihi.. :)